Is anyone else as surprised as I am that it’s already November this year?! Before we know it, we will be overstuffing ourselves for the Holidays and gaining anywhere from 5-10 pounds. Time really flies when you’re having fun and/or have cancer. Truly though, what a gorgeous day it is. This is my type of Florida weather! So let’s get down to the nitty gritty of leukemia and what’s been going on in my world these past few weeks.
I can’t seem to keep myself out of the hospital. I just love it so much! (sarcasm for those who might be scratching their heads right now.) I went into my regular weekly doctors appointment on Monday the 27th. I had a fever of 100.6 so I was admitted that very day. I know that I can’t complain because that’s a high temp for normal people. Much less someone like me. Let’s just say they keep a close eye on my care which makes me feel like I’m in the right place. I was released from the hospital on Thursday, October 30. In Revenge of the hair, I wrote about my type of transplant. It was from an umbilical cord which means babies blood saved my life. However, this is how I feel right now. Look to your left. I am reverting back, no joke! Let’s just say, having my mom around 24/7 has certainly spoiled me a bit and has made me more child like.
I’ve made it to the first milestone – 100 days after the transplant!!!
Wonderful news…my biopsy came back negative!! So I am still leukemia free. Also, we’re getting ready to hit a milestone – 100 days!!! (I’m on day 98) My family and I were wondering and speculating, “What does it mean for me? Do I get to go out in public more? Can I do a girls night out?” When I asked my medical team about the milestone, this was their response. “Oh, nothing changes. It’s just something to give patients to strive for.” My reply? “So basically it’s just a – Congrats…you’ve made it this far without dying?! Good job and keep it up.” They agreed with what I said. It’s not until the year mark (July 31, 2015) where things really start changing for me. Bit of a let down, I’m not going to lie. But hey, I’m still alive. Lets not forget when I was being diagnosed my chances of survival were at 30 %. I feel so fortunate to still be here and alive. That’s worth more than anything. I’m pretty happy to have more time with this guy…
Bearded Lady or Monkey?? Feel free to offer your own opinion!
If you haven’t done so yet, check out my previous blog. I go into some good detail about my hair growth. Well, just a few days ago I did something I never thought I would do in my life. I had to
trim my beard. Before having to do that, my body went through extreme changes. Here I am, finally home after the transplant. Completely hairless. Not one eyebrow or lash. On top of that I was carrying a lot of fluid. This is what cancer does. It’s the meanest bully I know.
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These were my cone head days and my weight was about 15 pounds more than what it should have been due to fluids. |
Alright, so back to the speed of my hair growth. Per usual, I have to get permission from my doctor before doing anything. In this case, it was getting rid of my unwanted facial hair. Here’s an example of how bad my face had gotten. When I brought up the subject, my doctor made me take off my mask so he could see what I was whining so much about. I don’t think he believed me on how bad it was. His reaction was much like my other close friends and family. He immediately started cracking up due to disbelief. He was quick to let me know that he’s never seen it so bad on any female cancer patient’s faces. They were also impressed with how much hair I had on my head. I just found out that normally after transplant, people’s hair comes back in patches. Even with my beard gone, I still have so much hair. I’m just waiting to morph into a monkey. We’re all surprised by how quickly my hair came back. (And how much!) As mentioned in my previous blog, it was suppose to be 5-6 months after transplant. So I think I’m lucky? That’s to be determined…
This journey began on January 20, 2014. Some times I wake up thinking and hoping it’s just a nightmare. But then reality sets in. So much has happened this year. I know mostly you see me smile, laugh, and maintain a positive attitude. It doesn’t mean that I’m not fragile and that my heart isn’t broken. I do those things because I have to or I know I will lose this battle. There are plenty of people out there that do this and they still don’t make it. Not to mention, something I’ve realized, there is always someone worst off than myself. If I allow myself to start feeling down, I try and think about that and the fact that I’m still here and kicking. All of your prayers must have been working this year. We still have a long way to go so please keep up the thoughts and prayers. Those are appreciated more than you could know. Don’t forget: smile often, love more, forgive easier, and laugh as much as you can!
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This is just sweetness and funny. “I miss you. Will be back soon. You are still hot! Even with cyborg tubes everywhere.” |
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