January 13, 2015 – Day +166

Cherishing every moment as much as I possibly can. Give it my all to not get stressed over too much. (SO much easier said than done!!) Live like tomorrow may never come and love those in my life with all of my heart. Cancer Shmancer. In a way I feel I should thank cancer for making me grow so much this year to become a stronger person. It has molded me into who I’m mean’t to be and I’m sure it’s not over.
Getting Rid of my Love Danglies!!
If you’re one of my friends on FB, I just posted this past week huge news. I underwent surgery on 1/9/15 to have my tri-fusion line removed. Want to see what a tri-fusion line looks like?! Check out the You tube video found here. This was an invasive surgery and I did have anesthesia to make me go into a twilight phase. They numbed the area and shot me up with some drugs so I’m happy to say I do not remember much of anything! The aftermath however, my chest is still hurting and giving me issues. I had one doctor tell me that it will hurt because of the tugging they’re going to have to do especially for how long it had been in. (Since July 25, 2014) Another doctor, “You’re going to be just fine. Hardly no pain from it at all.” RIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTT. I’ve been through pain this year so I’d like to think that I have a good idea of what hurts and what doesn’t and the aftermath definitely hurt. I’m still recovering and having to take pain medication!
So many people that read my blog use words such as inspirational, graceful, positive attitude, strong, amazing, brave, special, etc… to describe my attributes. The truth is…everything I am is from her.
For instance, one of my dear friends did just that today. I was so happy when she reached out to me because she was more concerned with how she can help my caregiver. You know, the person who takes care of me and needs lovin’ too. I was tickled pink. I took her up on her offer immediately and said we need help giving this house a deep clean. She was down and it made my mom’s day. A huge surprise that happened was when Lucia treated my mom to an hour massage and lunch after the cleaning. My mom was completely overwhelmed when she got home and couldn’t wait to tell me all about it. Thank you Lucia for making my mom happy and giving her a well deserved break from reality!! Still a little confused on how you can help a loved one who has cancer? This is a great article I stumbled across and highly recommend, 44 Ways To Make the Day of Someone With Cancer.
Please don’t mistake any of this for what everyone has already done for us this year and us not being incredibly grateful. People are still wondering how they can help and what they can do for us. So here you go. Once again, for the millionth time, thank you for the past, present and future help.
Until next time, remember the following: SMILE often, LOVE more, FORGIVE easier, PRAY harder, and LAUGH as much as you can!
Wow! I have to salute you due to the fact that you are so committed and persistent in pulling yourself through that debilitating episode of your life. Any way to alleviate your pain, you should get, from constant love and affection to a free massage for your mom. I really hope that you are feeling better and in no pain whatsoever. Thanks for sharing that! I wish you all the best!
Joan Stevens @ Stringer Chiropractic