Having cancer is bad enough. Coming to the realization that your cancer will most certainly have an affect on your chances of having a baby…that’s enough to leave anyone speechless and heartbroken. My husband and I have been happily married for 4 years. Get ready for it…we had just started trying in Dec. ’13. Why […]
Archives for March 2014
Bye Bye Hair
I’m going to start today by saying “Cancer Sucks!” You lose all control of your life and everything changes over night. BUT, when I start feeling down, I have to remind myself that I’m still here fighting the fight. And I don’t plan on going anywhere. As surprising as it may seem, one of the […]
Want to Save A Life?
Subtitle: If you read this post, it can save lives. My First Walk Around My House 6 Weeks After Diagnosis It’s been more than a month, and saying “I have cancer” still sounds weird to me. Although, when I want my mom or Scott to get me stuff I’m not against jokingly playing the cancer […]